Dean Padgett has a history of heart problems, and sudden changes in his health are not something he takes lightly. So, when he awoke one Sunday morning to excruciating elbow pain and swelling with no apparent cause, his concern was immediate. Bewildered and unable to straighten his arm, he sought medical attention at the local emergency room. Little did he know that this mysterious condition would lead him down a path that required the expertise of an orthopedic specialist, as well as the intervention of an infectious medicine physician. What began as a perplexing case, unfolded into a life-threatening situation involving infection, sepsis, and emergency surgery.
Upon Dean Padgett's arrival at the emergency room, medical professionals were puzzled by his severe elbow pain and swelling. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, they called upon
Dr. Alan Schroeder, a renowned orthopedic specialist from The Bone and Joint Clinic, to assess the condition. After a thorough examination, Dr. Schroeder made a startling discovery - crystals had formed in Dean's elbow joint. These crystals, although causing excruciating pain, were merely a symptom of a deeper issue.
To further complicate matters, Dr. Schroeder identified the presence of a pre-existing staph infection, which had likely triggered the formation of the crystals. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Dr. Schroeder promptly enlisted the assistance of an infectious medicine doctor to address the infection. In an effort to combat the spreading infection, a central line was inserted into Dean's heart, providing direct access for administering antibiotics.
As the infection continued to pose a serious threat to Dean's health, Dr. Schroeder made the crucial decision to perform emergency surgery. The surgical procedure aimed to clean out the infected joint and remove the crystals that had caused such distress. The complexity of the situation and the underlying risk of sepsis made this operation all the more critical, but thanks to Dr. Schroeder’s expertise and quick action, Dean's
elbow pain was alleviated, the root cause of the problem addressed, and far more serious complications ultimately avoided.
“I would not go anywhere else,” says Dean, reflecting on the life-saving care he received from Dr. Schroeder. “You could not drag me anywhere else!”
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