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Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge
Bone & Joint Staff • December 30, 2022
Treatment of Multiple Arm Fractures: Janell Bannon’s Patient Story

Janell Bannon calls receiving care at the Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge “a right of passage.” Her mother received treatment for her hands from Dr. Lawrence Messina decades ago, and when Janell developed knee issues, she went to see him as well. While Dr. Messina took wonderful care of Janell (and her mother), her orthopedic issues didn’t stop following his 2016 retirement. Eventually, her knee began to bother her again and needed to be scoped. This time, she opted to see a physician whose name she quickly recognized: Joseph E. Broyles.

Having worked as a teacher at St. Aloysius School for many years, Janell had encountered her fair share of exceptional students, not the least of which was a young Joseph Broyles (Jeb) in her very first 3rd grade class. Whereas he had relied on her to lead him through some of his earliest years of education, she now relied on him to lead her through her orthopedic difficulties - a task which he handled skillfully and compassionately. 

A Complicated Orthopedic Injury

Years into their doctor/patient relationship, Janell found herself facing her greatest orthopedic hurdle to date. In April 2018, she and her husband embarked on a dream vacation of 23 days in New Zealand. Five days into the trip, while chasing a runaway piece of luggage down a driveway, Janell fell and broke both arms. The dream vacation came to a painful and abrupt halt. While doctors in New Zealand encouraged surgery then and there, Janell knew there was only one place that she fully trusted with her care.

Seeing a New Orthopedic Specialist

Having been given a two week window in which to have her arms repaired without lasting complications, Janell was well aware that time was of the essence. While she worked on returning home as quickly as possible, Dr. Broyles worked to get her in with a specialist who could help with such extensive arm injuries. Upon her return, Janell was immediately able to begin her care with Dr. Tyson Garon, another Bone and Joint Clinic doctor and upper extremity specialist.

“Jeb was wonderful,” says Janell. “He moved heaven and earth to make sure I had surgery on time.” 

Ultimately, following several days of travel, discomfort, and worry, Janell was able to have the surgery she required with a team she trusted. Dr. Garon’s calming demeanor and skill were precisely what she needed at a time when all else seemed in upheaval. 

“He was so good, upbeat, and tender with me,” she says when speaking of Dr. Garon. “He never lied to me about the possibility that I could lose some mobility. He fully prepared me. Today, my hands work just fine and my scars are so small they are barely visible.”

Orthopedic Physical Therapy to Regain Mobility

While Dr. Garon was upfront with Janell about the possible limitations that could come after such a severe injury and invasive surgery, he also helped her find the appropriate avenues to minimize those complications. He recommended that she begin therapy at the Bone and Joint Clinic’s own facilities and under the careful instruction of Jessica Lousteau, an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist

Her extensive training in hand and upper extremity injuries and rehabilitation along with her wonderfully compassionate approach, made Jessica a perfect fit for Janell and the challenges she faced at that moment. As Janell says, “Jessica doesn’t just do physical therapy. She does spiritual therapy!” Even today, years after her surgery, she maintains a friendship with Jessica, just as she continues her healthcare relationship with Doctors Garon and Broyles.

An Unmatched Orthopedic Team

From her mother’s first visit with Dr. Messina, Janell had faith that the Bone and Joint Clinic was the place to care for her. That faith has guided her through many trials in life, from heart surgery at 11 years old to a battle with breast cancer, and after her experiences with the Bone and Joint Clinic, she’s more certain of it than ever.

“For me, Bone and Joint is the answer,” affirms Janell. “I’m a woman of faith, and I believe God has given me the right people to care for me. I know I would not have had this same level of compassion and care anywhere else.”

After her recovery, Janell and her husband were able to return to New Zealand and finish their dream vacation, this time without a broken bone in sight.

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