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Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge
The Bone and Joint Clinic Staff • January 24, 2025
Foot and Ankle Pain Experts in Louisiana: When to See a Doctor for a Foot or Ankle Injury

Ankle and foot injuries are frequent and can vary in severity from mild sprains to more serious fractures or tears in the ligaments. Rest and basic care can be used to treat some injuries at home, but medical care is necessary for others in order to avoid complications and promote appropriate healing. Recovery and long-term mobility depend on knowing when to consult an orthopedist.

Persistent Foot or Ankle Pain and Swelling

It's time to see a doctor if your discomfort or swelling does not go away after a few days of rest, ice, and elevation. A more serious problem, like a fracture, severe ankle sprain, or tendon injury, may be indicated by persistent discomfort. To prevent long-term harm, these injuries need to be evaluated and treated by an orthopedist.

Difficulty Bearing Weight on Your Ankle or Foot

It is obvious that you need to consult a doctor if you are having trouble walking, standing, or bearing weight on your injured foot or ankle. This symptom can indicate a ligament rupture, fracture, or other structural damage that has to be treated by a doctor. Chronic pain and incorrect healing may result from ignoring these symptoms.

Visible Deformity or Bruising in the Foot or Ankle

A foot or ankle that is obviously malformed and has significant bruises is a serious reason to get medical help. These symptoms frequently point to a serious injury that may require physical therapy, immobilization, or possibly surgery to fully recover.

Foot and Ankle Numbness or Tingling

It is important to pay attention to any numbness, tingling, or lack of feeling in the foot or ankle region. These signs could indicate nerve injury, which needs to be treated right once to avoid more issues.

If you have persistent pain, trouble walking, or other painful symptoms, it’s time to see an orthopedist. Although mild foot and ankle injuries can frequently be healed with at-home care, a prompt diagnosis and treatment plan can help you heal more quickly, avoid complications, and confidently resume your normal activities.

The expert staff at Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge are here to help you with your foot and ankle issues. Make an appointment today and get back on your feet in a healthy way!

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