Numb and tingling fingers, shock-like sensations through the hand – these are just a couple of symptoms that may indicate the presence of carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition which affects the thumb and index, middle, and ring fingers is the result of entrapment or compression of the median nerve as it makes its way through the carpal tunnel of ligament and bone located at the wrist.
Most people commonly associate carpal tunnel syndrome with jobs that require a lot of typing or computer use, and while this type of work is certainly a risk factor, the truth is that carpal tunnel can affect anyone. Risk factors that may impact one’s likelihood to develop the condition include:
While some of the risk factors above are beyond your control, there are ways to mitigate carpal tunnel risk. Considering factors we can control, here are a few key steps that can be taken to help prevent carpal tunnel inflammation and median nerve compression:
If you are suffering from bothersome symptoms such as hand or finger pain, numbness, or tingling, contact the Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge. Our team of orthopedic physicians includes hand specialists who can quickly help you reach a diagnosis and begin a treatment plan to bring relief.
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