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Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge
Bone & Joint Staff • April 5, 2018
A Shoulder Specialist in Baton Rouge: A Positive Impact

A good day for one of the top shoulder specialists in Baton Rouge, Dr. Mazoch, is one where he has had a positive impact on the day of someone else. Raised by two veterinarians on a cattle farm, he learned early on the value and reward of helping others find solutions to the challenges that face them. Dr. Mazoch recalls the way his parents taught him how fixing people’s (and their respective animals’) problems provided immense value to their lives but was also mutually rewarding for the healthcare provider. When asked about the influence of his parents, Dr. Mazoch said, “Having two parents as veterinarians introduced me to animal healthcare at a young age. Whether it involved an in-person call to a farm with my dad or observing my mom perform procedures at the LSU Vet School, I was exposed to caring for others in need. While my parents never tried to influence my career path, my upbringing led me to the medical field.”

Dr. Mazoch’s childhood had a significant influence on his decision to attend medical school, but there was an unrelated event in life that rightly served as the watershed moment in the career path of Dr. Mathew Mazoch. This defining moment took place when Dr. Mazoch was hospitalized with a pelvic fracture from an automobile accident. As he worked his way to a healthy recovery, Dr. Mazoch gained a profound understanding of the challenges, frustrations, and vulnerabilities patients experience. The lessons gained from his time in the hospital eliminated any doubts he previously had regarding his pursuit of a career in medicine. Today, Dr. Mazoch still uses this personal experience as a way to connect with his patients by displaying more patience and empathy in his daily interactions with patients.

Why Did Dr. Mathew Mazoch Specialize in Treating the Shoulder?

Dr. Mazoch found appeal in the ability to get to know his patients and guiding them along the path to recovery. As he notes, “Healing doesn’t take place overnight with the shoulder. I want to take the journey with each patient to help bring them to their peak functional capacity.” Rather than selecting a specialty where treatments were of an isolated nature, Dr. Mazoch’s preference to connect with patients and aid their progress over time matched perfectly with orthopedics, more specifically with the treatment of shoulder injuries.

In pursuit of his specialty of interest, Dr. Mazoch went on to complete his Fellowship training at Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center and the Tulane Institute of Sports Medicine. There he received additional training from internationally renowned experts in arthroscopic and minimally invasive surgery techniques, a benefit that would prove invaluable as he sought to bring his patients the best possible results from their injuries.

What Qualifies as a Good Day for Dr. Mazoch?

Shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, are often challenging. After all, this is one of the most complicated and heavily worked joints in the body. When an injury occurs here it can not only impact a patient’s ability to complete their regular work and day-to-day functions; it can also present a time-consuming and complicated healing process. And, while such difficulties may not seem in line with Dr. Mazoch’s goal of positively impacting the day of his patients, this predicament is a perfect example of what he loves so much about his field of choice. After suffering the pain and hindrance of a shoulder injury, there is nothing that pleases Dr. Mazoch more than to be able to present his patients with real solutions. The more significant the challenge, the higher the reward will be at the end of the journey for both he and his patient.

While his patients may not initially recognize the impact Dr. Mazoch and his shoulder expertise will have on them, he understands that day will come, even if it still months away. Furthermore, he realizes that when that day does arrive, patients not only have a better day, they have better lives. And, having a helping hand in providing a better life for a patient makes every day a great day for Dr. Mazoch.

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