If you are experiencing forefoot pain, particularly while walking, that feels like a marble or bunched up sock is underfoot, you may have a Morton’s neuroma. This condition is caused by an inflammation of the nerve located between either the second and third toe or the third and fourth toe. Like many conditions, it can worsen over time and cause increased aggravation. This is especially true if no steps are taken to address the neuroma and lessen its impact.
While a Morton’s neuroma can certainly be uncomfortable and frustrating, there are fortunately steps that any patient can take that will likely provide some improvement.
For anyone dealing with the symptoms of Morton’s neuroma or other foot condition, it is important to consult with a podiatrist. These foot and ankle specialists have specific and extensive training on all conditions affecting these lower extremities and can help you better understand your condition and how to improve it. To get started, contact The Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge and request an appointment with one of our podiatrists.
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